Fix for an issue where the flag would occasionally float in mid-air when players got out of vehicles while carrying the flag Dog tags are rearranged in the kill cards so the right one is not obstructed
Fix for an issue where the kill card wasn’t displayed in some cases in Hardcore modeNote: Fixed, but will be included in the next patch release.

Added user interface options for tweaking the ADS aiming sensitivity Added total team experience points to the end of round screen for the Capture the Flag game mode Fix for an issue where server administrators couldn’t ban players that had clan tags Added a competitive Obliteration game mode Note: Server admins has to set this up to get it running. Fix for an issue where Mantle users would receive a low frame rate when running the default Mantle multi-GPU settings Fix for an issue where the player would get a water splash effect on the screen after crashing an EOD/MAV/SUAV into the water Option added for double tap forward to sprint (when on foot) Fix for an issue that prevented players to issue squad order around capture points during the sandstorm on Gulf of Oman

Created a user interface for tweaking the joystick dead zone on PC because the lack of it was preventing some players to use their joysticksNote: This fix was included by mistake, already released months ago. Added a 15 seconds warm-up timer for all Official games Additional note, we added the warm-up for PC due to different client spec loading the map fairly, to create a more balanced start of the game. Fix for a crash that could occur when a player left a round

Fix for an issue where field upgrades would stop working after one round when players had reached the max field upgrade level Fix for an issue where players were able to duplicate Battle Pickups by repeatedly picking up a kit